Gym goer would know it very well. How hard it is to gain strength. A lot of hard work, sweats, screaming and grunting. They have to endure the pain and the burn during the sets and suffer the muscles soreness the next 2 days. Ive been there, and I done that. If my...
Four Reasons You Are Not Gaining
Most people will feel demotivated when they don't see the result they work so hard for. Men or women, if you've been working and working for more muscle but haven't seen any gains, you're probably making one or two of these mistakes. You don't eat enough Let’s...
Five Tips To Create A Better Chest Workout Routine.
Everybody wants a bigger chest. If we ask 10 people about what is their favorite muscles part, 9 would say chest. They always not happy with it, they want it bigger, thicker, or wider chest. Yes! I heard that all the time and all the complains. Well, there is not...
Training legs
Do not skip leg day! I don't say this just to spare you the embarrassment of some one discovering that your legs look more like those of a chicken than of a human being that works out on a regular basis. Having strong legs is important to avoid injury in your lower...
Training arms
We all use our arms a lot every day. We use them to write and type, to greet people to carry the groceries home and for all other sorts of manual labour. Our arms are important to us. Having strong arms is also important for our general wellbeing and our ability to...
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