Most people will feel demotivated when they don’t see the result they work so hard for. Men or women, if you’ve been working and working for more muscle but haven’t seen any gains, you’re probably making one or two of these mistakes.
You don’t eat enough
Let’s make it simple. To build new muscle tissue, you need extra calories. That means you need to gain weight, and to gain weight you need to eat more! You need to supply enough nutrients for your muscles to grow. In every meal, you need to have a balance of protein, carbs and fat. If you don’t eat enough, your body won’t have enough calories to repair and growth.
You need to be consistent with your diet, training and rest. In my bulking period, I make sure I eat my meals on time, that I eat the right amount andthat I eat on par with my body nutrition needs. I train 5 times a week. I never miss a muscle group. I take 1 or 2 days off to recover. And I make sure I have enough sleep during the night. I repeat the whole thing again until I achieve my goals.Consistency is the key for long term change.
If you don’t train with intensity, you will not grow your muscles stronger or bigger. Lift with purpose and power. Choose the right weight and make sure every repetition count. Never just go through the motions. Give your muscles a challenge for every workout. That’s when change happens.
Bad form and techniques
Take some time to research about good form and techniques for your workout and then: practice, practice, practice! Using poor form and techniques when lifting weights is a good recipe for injury and failure to properly activate the correct muscles for you work out.